"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының  Астрахан ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі          Колутон ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" КММ                                                                                                      
"Ақмола облысы білім басқармасының  Астрахан ауданы бойынша білім бөлімі          Колутон ауылының жалпы орта білім беретін мектебі" КММ                                                                                                      

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Open lesson ” Hot and cold” 1st grade.


Open lesson ” Hot and cold”    1st grade.

Beisekeeva S.A.

Learning objectives that this

lesson is contributing to:

1.   Produce words in response to basic

2.  Мake basic personal statements and simple statements about objects.

3.   Use personal subject pronouns to identifity things

4.    Use basic present simple forms ( positive, negative) to give basic personal information

Lesson objectives:

1.    Make wordт combinations with the words on the theme “Food” and adjectives “ cold|hot”

2.    Use structure “ I like…..|he likes…..”

3.    Ask questions “ Do you like…….Does she like…..”

4.    Say about their tastes

Cross curricular links :  natural study

ICT skills: Projector for presenting a video.

Previous  learning: Pupils have known words on the theme “ Food”

Planned activities

1.   Learners are informed about their goals for the lesson:

-       Make word combinations with the words on the theme “ Food” and adjectives “cold |hot”

-        Use structure “ I like…… he likes

-       Ask questions “ Do you like…..| Does she like……”

-       Say about their tastes.

2.   Vocabulary -video

(cartoon “ Gogo 11. What do you like?”

After the video T. ask the questions

Do you like apples?

What do you like?

What don’t you like?


3.   Teacher elicits hot and cold food| drinksusing visuals 

What’s this?   Hot milk| cold tea.

Teacher elicits reaction from learners about the food and drinks.

4.   Teacher models using images of characters smiley: sad faces and visuals of hot and cold

soup? Does Asel like hot milk? Yes, he does. No, he doesn’t

5.   Learning listen to short conversations between a boy and a girl and on a worksheet draw

straight lines to the things each character likes and wiggly lines to the

things each character doesn’t like.

6.    Teacher nominates learners and asks question about worksheet. Learners respond  Yes he does   No he doesn’t

7.   Divide the class into two groups. Reveal partial visuals of different  hot| cold food items. First learner to shout out correct  answer of what it is wins a point for team and a bonus point if they respond correctly to your follow- upquestion.   Do you like…. Does Kim like?

Bread, cheese, apples, carrots, sweets, eggs, oranges, juice, bananas, milk, pears.

8.   Feedback.

The lesson is over. Good bye.

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